Advantages Of Ready-Mix Concrete | Benefits Of Ready Mix Concrete
a) Considerable advances in technology and equipment.
b) Adequate quality control on
The supplied concrete.
c) Provision of component materials with controlled and precise weightings.
d) The possibility of supply 24 hours.
e) No storage space is required for the aggregates and the cement in the work.
f) Elimination of waste or leaks of materials.
g) Less administrative control due to the volume and dispersion of purchases of aggregates and cement.
h) Greater cleanliness in the work, avoiding fines for the frequent invasion of public roads with materials.
i) Specialized technical advice on any aspect related to the use or characteristic of concrete.
j) The maximum experience transferred to the product and made available to the user.
k) Real knowledge of the cost of concrete.
I) higher cast speeds and consequently an advance in the completion of the work.
m) Reduction of suspended castings, since the producer usually has more than one premixing plant.
n) Availability of concrete pumps for pumped concrete.
Services of the ready-mixed concrete industry Ready-mixed
Concrete is more than a product; It is a complete package of services and provides an important set of benefits to the user, be it the contractor, technical director or owner of the work. As there are so many variables involved in the concrete product, there are many constraints to produce a
Quality concrete, which is why the production of ready-mix concrete must be considered as a complex and dynamic service that has to be carried out by specialists.
Ready-mix concrete is a material to be delivered at a specific site that must arrive with the frequency stipulated to its destination and with the appropriate quality, which is the result of the supplier’s own logistics.
Returning to the beginning of this article, if the intention is to compare the ready-mix concrete with the in situ fact, it is important to emphasize that it would not be entirely appropriate to do so only from the sum of the costs of the component materials, since there are many other elements to be considered, when being taken into account
They give as the only result that concrete made in situ is ultimately much more onerous than ready-mix concrete. The service of the ready-mixed concrete industry formally established not only gives the facility to have important volumes at a certain moment but also, behind each delivery, there are complementary details to the service that are the reason for a preparation and accumulation of important experiences.